In this article, you will find the steps to upload your third-party tags into your Google Ads campaign. Before you start, you should know that your Google Ads account must have a reasonable ad spend history for the third-party tags to be accepted and added to your account. Before the third-party tags are available in your Ad Group, they will be validated by the 3PAS team, which usually takes up to 24 hours.
Obtain the Ad Tags from Creatopy
- Once you're done with your creative(s), enable Ad Serving.
- From the Ad Serving card, you can:
- Add a ClickTag URL, which will serve as your landing page.
- Enable/Disable Responsive scaling.
- Set up External Tracking.
- Set up Dynamic variables.
- Select Google Ads as your DSP.
- To obtain the ad tags, we recommend exporting them in an XLS file. To do that, click Download and select Download as XLS.
Complete the Spreadsheet
- Open up your spreadsheet, obtained previously from Creatopy, and complete the following columns:
- CampaignName - Type in the name of your campaign¹.
- AdGroupName - Type in the ad group for your campaign².
- PlacementName - Here, you can add the ad size as a name³.
- Once done, download the sheet as an XLSX file.
Complete the Google Ads Form
The final step is to complete this Google Ads form with information about the campaign you're about to launch and upload the spreadsheet completed in the previous step.
Important: When uploading third-party tags, Google Ads has an initial load requirement, meaning each creative should have a load size of 2.2MB or less. In this case, we recommend using Google Ad's validator to check if your creatives pass Google Ads requirements. Should your ads be over 2.2MB, we recommend using elements that are smaller in size, or if you work with multiple slides, you can use the stop slide option and add a button on the slide so the viewer can start the rest of the ad, thus increasing the load size to 10MB.
Note¹'²: It must be the same as in your Google Ads account.
Note³: Remember that you cannot have the same Placement Name more than once.