Using Feed, Ad Serving, and Dynamic Variables, you can create ads that show the closest store location to users from a single dynamic ad. For this scenario, we've used Google Sheets to create a feed table, but you can work with any software as long as you can obtain a CSV link.
Main benefits
- Deliver the right information to your target audience.
- You will need only one ad to address this scenario.
- Our system will automatically match the closest store based on the user's location and your list of store locations.
Set up your CSV using Google Sheets
- Create a spreadsheet in Google Sheets.
- Input the data in your spreadsheet. For this scenario, the following columns are mandatory.
- Country - Add the Country/Countries where your stores are located.
- Latitude - The Northern and Southern coordinates of your stores
- Longitude - The East and West coordinates of your stores.
- Location URL - the location of your stores (e.g., Google Maps URL¹)
- Go to File > Share > Publish to web.
- On the Publish to web window, go to the Link section.
- Select the sheet you want to be published.
- Set the spreadsheet as Comma-separated value (CSV).
- Copy the link and save it for later.
Import the Feed into Creatopy
- Head over to the left sidebar and select Feed.
- Click on Create feed.
- Click on Import feed.
- A pop-up window will open, where you can select Sync from URL.
- Paste the CSV link saved from earlier.
- Click on Confirm link.
- From the feed settings window, set the Target ID to Country.
- Click Import content.
- Click Apply feed.
Bind the CSV with your Creative
Proceed to bind your creative as needed, but pay close attention to your CTA, and bind it as follows:
- Select the CTA.
- Head over to the Properties bar
- Go to Actions.
- Turn on On click actions.
- Click the Diamond icon next to URL and select Location URL column from your feed.
Set up & Adjust the Ad Tag Code
- Enable Ad Serving and set it according to your needs.
- Set a default Dynamic text³.
- Click on Set Variable.
- Click on thePlus icon.
- Select Country.
- Type in the name of the country you're using in your CSV.
- Obtain the Ad Tag code of your design. Choose one of the two
- Download as XLS. A Spreadsheet is downloaded to your computer where you can copy the Ad Tag.
- Copy code. Copy the Ad Tag directly from Creatopy.
- Before uploading the Ad Tag, adjust the macro code as follows:
- In the "targetID" column, replace {TARGET_ID} with {COUNTRY}.
- Copy the adjusted code into your Ad Network of choice as a 3rd party tag.
Note¹: You can find the URL of your store in Google Maps as follows: Identify the location of your store > Click Share > Click Copy Link.
Note²: These steps will make the CTA button show the location of the closest store when clicked/tapped.
Note³: The Dynamic Text is used to indicate a default store in case our system can't find the user's location.
Helpful links:
You can find the CSV used in this scenario here for further analysis.
We've used this website to find longitude and latitude coordinates.