With dynamic text, you can insert geographic-related content or set custom variables in your ads.
This feature works when Ad Serving is enabled for your designs.
Benefits of using Dynamic Text
- Your ad is tailored to each person.
- Only one ad is needed to address different custom or geographical scenarios.
- Our system will automatically detect the user's information, showing the suitable variation of your design. You won't need any external requirement or integration from your DSP or Ad Network.
How to set up Geographical Dynamic Text
- Insert the geographical variable into the copy of your creative.
- The variable should always be between curly brackets, e.g. {CITY}.
- Click on Ad Serving.
- Click Enable (if already enabled, skip this step).
- Click on Set variables.
- Click on the Plus icon to add dynamic text.
- Select the variable you want to use¹:
- Country
- Region
- City
- Type in the value you want to use.
- Click Save.
- When exporting, you can:
- Click Download as XLS. A spreadsheet is downloaded to your computer, where you can copy the ad tag.
- Click Copy code. Copy the ad tag directly from Creatopy.
- Once you have obtained the ad tag, you can test it out in an HTML editor to have a preview of how your creative will look to your audience.
How to set up Custom Dynamic Text
- Insert the custom variable in the copy of your creative.
- The variable should always be between curly brackets and contain the word NAME. e.g. {NAME}
- Click on Ad Serving.
- Click Enable (if already enabled, skip this step).
- Click on the Plus icon.
- Select Custom.
- In the variable box, type {NAME}.
- In the value box, type in the default value you'd like to be used in your creative.
- Click Save.
- When exporting, you can:
- Click Download as XLS. A spreadsheet is downloaded to your computer, where you can copy the Ad Tag.
- Click Copy code. Copy the ad tag directly from Creatopy.
- Once you have obtained the ad tag, you can test it in an HTML editor to preview how your ad will look to your audience.
- Furthermore, you can adjust the code by replacing the {NAME} value with any other message you'd like to transmit to your audience.
- E.g., delete {NAME} and type in loved ones.
Note¹: The variable set here will be used as a default value in case our system cannot fetch the user's location.