If you're ready to share your creative(s) with a team member or somebody outside your team, this guide will show you how to obtain a share link.
How to Obtain a Share Link
- Head over to the right side corner and click on the
Share icon.
- The Share window will open from where you can:
- Type in the name, email, or group¹ of a team member with whom you want to share the creative and assign them an Designer² or Viewer role.
- Copy the link.
- Open the link in a separate tab.
- Set who can see the share link, Public or Team only.
How to Add a Password to Your Share Links
To have an extra layer of security, you can add a password to your share links. This functionality works if you have a Plus or Enterprise subscription plan.
- Click Share.
- Go to Get share link.
- Enable Use password protection.
- Here you can:
- Type in the password in the text field.
Generate a random password.
Copy the password.
- Confirm your changes.
- Click Done.
Note¹: If you've organized your team in groups, you can type in the group's name in the text field to share the creative with the whole group. Creating a group requires an Enterprise subscription.
Note²: If you assign an Designer role to an email that is not part of your team, you will be charged for an additional seat on your team once they accept the invite sent to their email. Inviting a viewer will add a free member to your team list without editing privileges.